Despite the scientifically established climate emergency, there is still a lack of substantial and concrete actions against global warming. The aim of this project is to provide deep insights on the mediatic representation of climate-related issues. We first investigated the temporal evolution of the climate change topic in the media, then identified the main characteristics of the people mentioning it, as well as their opinions. Climate change is a very polarizing subject, so we have looked at the general feeling toward this topic. We also tried to predict, based on the climate-involved people profil, how each one would be inclined to talk about climate.

To do so, we worked on the Quotebank dataset, a dataset referencing all quotations in the newspaper between the years 2015 and 2020. To guide our analyses of the data, we came up with several questions to address :

  • Is there any temporal evolution in the mediatic coverage of the climate crisis ?

  • What are the main typical profiles of people talking about climate in the media ? Who in the media represent the most this subject over time ?

  • What is the main sentiment communicated in the media over time concerning the climate crisis ?

  • Based on the profile of a person, can we predict that they are going to talk about climate in the media ?

The datasets we used are detailed on the Dataset Page. The results of our analyses are on the Data Story Page and the methods we used are described on the Methods Page. If you want to learn more about us, visit the About Us Page.